Thursday, April 2, 2015

This test does NOT define you!

Last Friday (before the STAAR this week), I showed this video to the class. We were able to celebrate how far each child as come as a writer.  After showing the video, I let students have a few minutes to decide how they felt about it and to get ready to share their thoughts and feelings with a partner and then with me.  I was blown away by the conversations we had.  These are just a few of my favorite quotes from students.

"This test doesn't change who I am.  It doesn't change my personality or friends. After I take this, I will be the same awesome person that I already am."
"It was good to hear that my future boss won't look at these scores."
"Before seeing this, I was really nervous... but after watching this I am excited to figure out this puzzle."
"I think every child that takes the STAAR should watch this!"
"It doesn't define you either Mrs. Monk."

How insightful are your kids!  I am just amazed by their little minds everyday!  Thanks for sharing your precious little authors with me!  If you would like to view the video, I have attached it below.

Mrs. Monk

1 comment:

  1. What an encouraging video! Puts standardized tests in perspective. Thanks for showing this to our kiddos!
